happy 2025 !! The year for you to make a change for the better i can help, reach out.
Many of us have not had the privalege or the opportunity to have a mentor in our lives. Someone to guide us through our journey or to set an example of how to do things right or smarter. Life is not an easy experience and sometimes all we need is that individual that can shed the light on an issue or problem, or present a different perspective.
I have 20+ years working with many individuals from different walks of life and life experiences. I feel confident that with this exposure and the accumulation of my own life challenges, I would be a great asset in giving you a different perspective on solutions to many of your obstacles and life decisions.
I am in the business of changing lives - one person at a time. I hope that I can share and bring to light options and solutions to the issues in your life that need addressing and resolving. Sometimes the answers and guidance we seek are not quick or simple fixes. I offer to help you find those solutions and guide you through the challenges necessary to make a difference and impact change in your life.
Sometimes it's the simple things that have eluded us, like being able to cook for ourselves, keep our home clean, organize our surroundings, understand the difference between wants and needs and manage our time.
"You get out of of it what you put in."
Sometimes we are so focused on trying to get by day to day, that we neglect the game plan for our future. Money management is a very important skill that many of us lack, but realize and are too scared or ashamed to ask for guidance. I can help you learn to create a budget, put a plan together to get out of debt and understand options to save for your future.
"Always pay yourself first, key item in your budget."
Creating new habits and trying to change old ones is not easy. Change happens over time and must be a conscious effort. Optimal time management is another aspect of our lives that many of us lack. It is important to understand how to prioritize one's to do list, realize what is important to us and how to organize our lives around those values.
"If it is important to you,you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse."
The worse thing that many people do is to make the decision to stay in a job that they hate or have no passion in doing. It is important for you to acknowledge that you have the control, you decide what you want to do. It takes planning, courage, faith in yourself and the time and effort needed to make the change.
" When you find yourself doing something that you love or enjoy, it no longer becomes work."
Making changes in one's life is not easy. But with guidance and support many things are possible. I will support you as you become more conscious of your day to day goals and keep you consistent towards those goals. Through this commitment we will be successful in achieving your goals and desired changes. I am here to assist in improving your life situation.